A statutory Body established under
Indian Veterinary Council Act, 1984
The Government of India, Ministry of Agriculture on the recommendations made by the National Commission of Agriculture, during the early part of the sixth plan period introduced a bill in Parliament - entitled ‘The Indian Veterinary Council Bill’ The Indian Veterinary Council Act, was enacted in 1984, which envisaged establishment of the Veterinary Council of India at the Centre and State Veterinary Councils in such states which had adopted the Indian Veterinary Council Act and in all Union Territories. The Indian Veterinary Council Act received the assent of the President on 18th August, 1984 and thereafter published for general information by Minister of Law, Justice and Company Affairs (Legislative Department).
In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (3) of section I of the Indian Veterinary Council Act, 1984 (52 of 1984), the Central Govern-ment appoints the first date of June, 1985 as the date which the provisions of the said Act shall come into force in the Union Territories like Mizoram. This appointment of date is issued by the Government of India, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Department of Agri.& Co-op through notification vide letter No. 23-116/84LDT (LHS) dated the 27th June, 1985.
Following the Notification issued by the Government of India, Mizoram Government (U.T) automatically adopted the Act and formed Mizoram State Veterinary Council on Adhoc basis in 1986. The State Veterinary Council was run on Adhoc basis by the Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Department with the Director as acting President, Joint Director (A) as Registrar/ Secretary. Following are the members of the Council.
- Dr. Zolawma, Elected
- Dr. L. Siamliana, Elected
- Dr. C. Sangnghina, Elected
- Dr. Daniel Chianghnuna, Elected
- Dr. V. Liansanga, Nominated
- Dr. L.S. Hrahsel, Nominated
- Dr. H. Chalruala, Nominated.
The Adhoc body processed formation of State Veterinary Council with framing draft rules in line with the Veterinary Council of India Act and obtained assent of the Governor, Government of Mizoram in 1991.
Soon after the Notification of Council rules was issued by Government of Mizoram, Mizoram State Veterinary Council was established in 1991, under section 32 of the Act.
As per section 32 of Indian Veterinary Council Act, 1984, Mizoram State Veterinary Council consists of the following members.
- Four members elected from among themselves by Veterinary Practitioners registered in the State Veterinary Registers.
- The head of Veterinary Institutions, if any in the State-like Dean, College of Veterinary Science & Animal Husbandry, Selesih ex-officio.
- Three members nominated by the State Government from Veterinarians enrolled in the State Veterinary Practitioners Register.
- The Director of Veterinary Services of the State ex-officio.
- One member to be nominated by the State Veterinary Association, if any.
- Registrar of the State Veterinary Council ex-officio.
- Maintain the Indian / State Veterinary Practitioners register which shall contain the names of all persons who possessed the recognized veterinary qualification and who are for the time being enrolled on a State Veterinary Register of the State to which Indian Veterinary Council Act extends.
- Lay down the standards of professional conduct, etiquette and code of ethics to be observed by veterinary practitioners.
- Only registered Veterinarian in any State Veterinary Council would be entitled to practice veterinary medicine and to recover fees and charges in respect of medicaments and other appliances.
- Only registered Veterinary Practitioners who’s names are borne on Indian/State Veterinary Practitioners register shall have the right to hold office as Veterinary Physician, Surgeon or such similar position (by whatever name called), authenticate health certificates and give evidence under Indian Evidence Act, 1872, on matters relating Veterinary Medicine. Veterinary practice by unregistered persons would be prohibited except minor Veterinary Services, under supervision of a registered Veterinary practitioner, by ‘specified’ persons as per the discretion of State Government. (See section 30 of IVC Act)
As per section 35 of the Indian Veterinary Council Act, 1984, the Mizoram State Veterinary Council is a body corporate by the names aforesaid, having perpetual succession and a common Seal, with power to acquire, hold and disposed property, both movable and immovable to contract and shall by the same name sue or be sued.
The Council in its meeting during 1991 decided to have its own insignia. The detail of which is as below:-
The State Council adopt art of insignia like Sculpture of bull from the Vete-rinary Council of India who by succession drew its insignia from the Ashoka’n era which project the veterinary profession of India in its ‘best heritage’. Sculpture of Snakes engulf by ‘V’ symbolized the Veterinary medicine. The text refers to one of the objectives of veterinary profession.
As per chapter VI of section 38 of sub-section (I) of Indian Veterinary Council Act, 1984, a member of the State Veterinary Council, other than an ex-officio member, shall hold office for a term of three years from the date of his election or nomination to the State Veterinary Council or until his successor has been duly elected or nominated, whichever is longer.
As per chapter V of section 31 of IVC Act, 1984, the Council may, by regu-lations, specify standards of professional conduct and etiquette and code of ethics for Veterinary Practitioners.
The Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Department, Mizoram constructed a Semi- R.C. C. two storeyed building at Khatla along the Khatla – Bungkawn Vengthar Road for Council Office in the year 1990-1991. The Council Office was initially run by one Registrar - Dr. Zokhuma Joint Director retired with one assistant and peon lend by the Department. Dr. Zokhuma continued to hold the post of Registrar and during 1994 one Office Assistant by name Pu C. Thanzuala and one peon cum chowkidar by name Pu Lalhmingliana were appointed by the Council and approved by the Government of Mizoram. The Council in its meeting decided to construct new building as the existing building is found too small. Construction of Council building was started at a side adjacent to Veterinary Hospital building Khatla from the year 2002 with R.C.C structure by sliding Department land. The building is approachable from both Directorate A.H & Vety and Khatla Bungkawn Road. The new building though completed half way is occupied as Council Office from the year 2005, subjected to vertical extension to accommodate the Meeting / Conference Hall and Guests Room.